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What an eventful month May has been - we had the new Draft Employment Equity gazette published for public comment, simply put I hate it, hate what it stands for and hate the negative impact it is going to have on SA.

I personally feel in its current format that no good is going to come out of it and the administrative burden it is going to put on companies is simply unfair, labour intensive and not practical. And if that was not enough the minister suggests draconian fines for noncompliance.

The new EE rules are a challenge for companies. The EE Act is a complex piece of legislation, and it is important to seek our advice if you have any questions about the new rules. You should also work with your HR department and EE Committee to develop a plan to comply with the new rules.

We will continue working with DOL it while its up for public comment and urge you to do the same. Please see Proposed Employment Equity act comments.

The B-BBEE Transport Sector Code is currently under review by the Department of Trade and Industry (DTI). The DTI is considering several changes to the code See Transport sector code article.

  • Increasing the ownership target for black people in the transport sector.

  • Increasing the procurement target for black-owned businesses in the transport sector.

  • Introducing new measures to promote skills development and enterprise development in the transport sector.

The DTI is expected to publish a revised code in the coming months. It appears as if there will not be a transition period and it will be effective immediately once gazetted.

Compliance Hub will keep you updated on any further developments on the Transport sector code.

My apologies for being the bearer of this news but the sun continues to shine on our beautiful country and people. We are here to assist you during these changes so that you worry about the business, and we focus on solutions for you!

Load shedding continues to provide for evening Braai’s due to loadshedding however we all still have our resilience and sense of humor to keep going. We look forward to working with you to help your company comply with the new requirements.


Hilton Johnson

CEO – Compliance Hub

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Cobus Visser \S/
Cobus Visser \S/

Great letter

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