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From 1 January 2020, all companies (large or small, trading or dormant, private, public, incorporated, etc.) must complete the CIPC's new compliance checklist prior to filing its annual return.

Annual Returns:

All companies are compelled to file their annual returns within 30 business days after the anniversary date of incorporation.

The annual return is an administrative fee for maintaining the company's registration with CIPC.

The fee is calculated based on the company's annual turnover.

Late filing of annual returns will result in a penalty fee.

Failure to file annual returns can lead to company deregistration.

Compliance Checklist (Effective from 1 January 2020):

You can file your company's annual return only after completing the compliance checklist.

The checklist consists of 24 questions to test your company's compliance with the provisions of the Companies Act.

Answer "Yes," "No," or "not Applicable" to the questionnaire.

Keep proper records if you reply "No" in case CIPC raises a query.

Questions on the Compliance Checklist:

Q1: Did the company comply with section 4 during the previous financial year?

Q2: Did the company comply with section 15 during the previous financial year?

Q3: Did the company comply with section 26 during the previous financial year?

Q4: Did the company comply with Section 27 during the previous financial year?

Q5: Did the company comply with Section 28 during the previous financial year?

Q6: Did the company comply with Section 29 of the previous financial year?

Q7: Did the company comply with Section 30 during the previous financial year?

Q8: Did the company comply with Section 32 during the previous financial year?

Q9: Did the company comply with Section 33 during the previous financial year?

Q10: Did the company comply with Section 44 during the previous financial year?

Q11: Did the company comply with Section 45 during the previous financial year?

Q12: Did the company comply with Section 50 during the previous financial year?

Q13: Did the company comply with Section 61 during the previous financial year?

Q14: Did the company comply with Section 66 during the previous financial year?

Q15: Did the company comply with Section 69 in the previous financial year?

Q16: Did the company comply with Section 70 during the previous financial year?

Q17: Did the company comply with Section 71 during the previous financial year?

Q18: Did the company comply with Section 86 during the previous financial year?

Q19: Did the company comply with Section 90 during the previous financial year?

Q20: Did the company comply with Section 92 during the previous financial year?

Q21: Did the company comply with Section 94 during the previous financial year?

Q22: Did the company comply with Regulation 21 during the previous financial year?

Q23: Did the company comply with Regulation 43 during the previous financial year?

Q24: (For non-profit companies) Did the company comply with Schedule 1 during the previous financial year?

Ensure you address these questions and maintain proper records to avoid issues with CIPC. If you need assistance with compliance, consider reaching out to a professional service.

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